728x90 Salesforce/Tips2 Salesforce Apex 코드블럭 사용법 (1) 우측 상단의 기본모드를 HTML로 변경하기(2) 코드작성한 부분 열심히 찾아서 아래와 같이 바꿔주기Integer numberOfSpoons;System.debug(numberOfSpoons);class = "apex pgsql"data-ke-language = "apex"(3) 제대로 반영되었는지 확인하기 2025. 1. 13. Scenarios of Salesforce Validation Rules (1) (1) Validate that the phone number begins with the country code, which is represented by the plus sign(+). LEFT(Phone, 1) "+" (2) Validates if a custom discoun tpercenetage field falls within the range of 0 to 40%.OR(Discount_Rate__c 0.40) (3) Validates that the Account Number is numeric if not blank.OR (ISBLANK(AccountNumber),NOT(ISNUMBER(AccountNumber))) (4) Make the required field for the O.. 2024. 8. 19. 이전 1 다음 728x90